Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Goal setting: not just good for exercise , good for life

Setting goals is a concept that has been around since the dawn of man, and can sometimes be labeled as something else. Sometimes we call them dreams, wants, or even fantasies. But deep down inside, whether you know it or not, you are setting goals for yourself! 

Often times we as people can dismiss our fantasies because they may not seem rational or even relevant to our current daily living. Nonetheless, we should challenge ourselves to look a little deeper at what we're fantasizing about. For example, if I'm dreaming of literally swimming in a pool of money, I am most likely setting a goal to have more money than I can imagine or knowin someone who does and will let me swim in their pool. Whatever the case may be, a goal was set. 

In order for anyone to reach a complex goal with the desired outcome, a plan will need to be created and implemented; a plan of action. This plan of action should include quantitative (measurable data) including your goal. If your goal is to be the best at your company, feel better, or just look good, challenge yourself to explore deeper. What does being the best at your company mean? You want to feel better or look good; what feels bad or looks bad?

The more we explore our fantasies, goals, wants or dreams, the more we will learn of our level of desire. If you truly decide your is set on your goal, some tips are listed below to help you succeed. 

-Clearly define your goal (try not to attach a timeline to your ultimate goal)

- Set milestones/small goals that lead up to your big goal
    ~prioritize your small goals (these may contain timelines, but highly not recommended. This is YOUR ultimate dream, the more you stress about it, the less you will love going after it)
- Every 30days (1day a month) Re-evaluate your priority list, and accolades

- Have Fun! 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Body Issues: Magazines, Society, Ourselves

Recently, ESPN has released this year's Body issue. After getting over the grade-school reaction of people posing nude, we really looked at some of the messages portrayed.

- it's not arrogant to feel good in your own skin (but it is to act like a d!&k)

- magazines still portray looking a certain way 

- ESPN says " we can take time to unapologetically admire the bodies that move so well " (so if you really want someone to notice you, don't just look good, move well too!) 

- Look good, feel good, Be the best you possible and create your own Body Issue Cover. 

- Any body size, shape, or build is capable of being becoming one that is admirable. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ramon Clark - Top 50 hottest trainers

Shape Magazine via shape.com has spoken, rcpt's very own, Ramon Clark was named one of the top 50 hottest trainers in AMERICA!

Click here to read the full article on shape.com!

Ramon specializes in weight loss, nutrition, golf and many other areas of fitness and wellness.

Way to go Ray!
Live Well, Be Strong!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Know your role!

Summertime fever is in full swing and everyone is not just looking for that last minute beach body, but a fun way to get it. Most people are looking for the name that draws them in. You know the one I am talking about. The one that sounds like "Cardio Hip-Hop Yoga." This name carries, what the kids call these days, swag!

You have to be careful when attending a class that has a special swag component because it may not be in your best interest. To let the cat out of the bag, I actually read the structured format for a class with the exact title. While the intentions of the class are quite meaningful, of wanting to increase flexibility, while dancing and keeping your heart rate up, there is no disclaimer stating the need for coordination, confidence, balance, stability, and musicality (because you have to keep the beat) . In fact the article sates the class can be good for anyone. I don't know about you but unfortunately I envision many people tripping over themselves and getting frustrated.

Ultimately, you will have to make the final decision for yourself, but remember to dig deeper, by reading the description of the class, asking the instructor what the format is, and asking a participant about the skill-level of the class and the instructors competencies while teaching.

If you would like more information on selecting a group exercise class that is good for you, feel free to contact me.

Live Well, Be Strong!
Ramon Clark

Monday, July 8, 2013

Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That?: The power of self investigation.

Ask questions to yourself, and your trainers to stay on top of your health and wellness....

Questions to ask yourself :
 When something is wrong with your body...
     - What have I done differently lately?
     - How this happened before?/ For how long?
     - Who Can I contact to help me get better?/What do I have to do?

 When Your body feels its best...
   - What have I changed to make things better?
   - How this happened before?/ For how long?
   - Who Can I contact to help me stay here?/What do I have to do?

Questions to ask your trainer:
  Pre- Workout...
   - What do you have planned for today? / Why?
   - What is your overall plan?
  During your workout...
   - Ask questions about their life (activities, hobbies, talents, etc...)
   - Why was a certain exercise chosen?

  Post workout...
    - What do I do between workouts?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Building Muscle: Pros, Cons, ProCons (know your goal)

Building muscle IS for everyone, we do it from birth. With the rise in the popularity of Olympic Lifting and Cross-Fit (two different entities) style workouts, there are more individuals both male and female gaining lean muscle mass. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that more Americans are getting off of their rear-ends and becoming more active. Nonetheless, given the obvious pros, there are some cons to building muscle as well...just ask the Governator!

- Burn fat at a high rate
- Decreased fat production (muscles use sugar/carbs to work, any excess, stores itself as fat)
- Increased Sex Drive
- You look good!
- Increased attraction to potential sexual partners ;-)

The list of pros can go on and eventually overlap with many of the pros from staying physically fit. Reading this, you are probably amped about building muscle; you should be! But, be careful, there are some cons that accompany the pros.

- Too much muscle can put unnecessary stress on your skeletal system (increases risk of injury)
- Focusing solely on muscle development does not get you in shape (you need cardio too!)
- If your developed muscle is not maintained, you will atrophy (the partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body.) in your muscles
- If your developed muscle is not maintained, your lifestyle must change, starting with the way you eat
- Decreased sex drive if muscle is not maintained. 

There are some other cons that can be mentioned. The moral at hand is to not bite off more than you can chew. If you want to look like the hulk for summer, be sure that you are ready to continue working equally, if not harder, in the wintery months. 

I will leave you all with my favorite effect which I refer to as a ProCon of building muscle, you get to  EAT MORE FOOD!!!!

Live Well, Be Strong!
Ramon Clark

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

US Surgeon General Regina Benjamin Resigns

 The name Dr. Regina Benjamin is not really a household name, but it should be. After four amazing years serving as the US Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjamin will step down from her post.

Our hats go off to Dr. Benjamin for being a major advocate for disease prevention, maintaining healthy lifestyles and wellness. She has helped to shift the awareness of Americans on pressing issues  such as America's obesity epidemic. 

Dr. Benjamin released the first ever National Prevention Strategy, as well as The Surgeon General's Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation. 

We can only hope that our next Surgeon General continues to further Dr. Benjamin's efforts to help us do our part; starting with ourselves!

Live Well, Be Strong! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Welcome to our blog of enlightenment

Welcome to our wonderful blog of enlightenment. Here we will post
-news from the fitness and wellness world
-new exercises, tips, tricks, and recipes
- social events and...MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!

Be sure to visit regularly!
Live Well, Be Strong!!!